Teething and Sleep: Navigating Tooth Disruptions

We understand that every baby's journey is different, especially when it comes to teething and sleep. While not all children find their nights interrupted by those emerging pearly whites, many do, particularly highly sensitive little ones. 

Spotting the Signs

Teething can be a tricky phase to navigate, but knowing the signs can help you prepare and respond effectively. Common indicators include increased fussiness, drooling, gum swelling and sensitivity, biting, and yes, disrupted sleep patterns. These symptoms can start as early as 3 months and may continue as each new tooth makes its appearance, often in spurts that can last a few days to a few weeks for each set of teeth. Often the worse nights come when the tooth is cutting the gum and their you 

 Soothing Strategies for Nighttime Comfort

  1. Gentle Gum Massage: Clean hands or a soft, wet cloth can work wonders on sore gums. A gentle rub can alleviate some of the discomfort and help soothe your baby back to sleep.
  2. Cooling Relief: Chilled (not frozen) teething rings or a cold, wet flannel can provide soothing pressure and numbness to ease the pain. Ensure these are safe and appropriate for your baby's age.
  3. Pain Relief: If the discomfort is too much, consult your doctor about using infant paracetamol or ibuprofen. Always follow the advised dosage and consider this for night-time relief to aid uninterrupted sleep.
  4. Maintain Bedtime Routines: Keep to your regular soothing bedtime routine as much as possible. Consistency will help your baby feel secure and increase the likelihood of them settling back to sleep.
  5. Comfort and Reassurance: Sometimes, all your baby needs is a little extra comfort. A cuddle, a gentle voice, or a calm presence can reassure them that everything is okay.

Remember, This Too Shall Pass

While it might seem endless now, remember that teething is only a temporary phase. With each tooth, your little one is growing stronger and more resilient. Your patience, love, and care during these nights are building a bond and a sense of security that will last far beyond the teething years.

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